How To Get a Handle on Clutter Without Breaking a Sweat

Decluttering is pretty popular these days, and if you have lots of it, some of the shows you see on TV might lead you to believe you need a pro’s help to get your clutter under control.  However, you can get a handle on things pretty easily by keeping a few smart tips in mind.  Here’s practical advice to help get control over your clutter, simply and easily. 

How Important is This?

You probably recognize some of the ways clutter affects your life.  Those mornings you can’t find your car keys, clean socks that don’t match up, and kitchen cabinets so overstuffed that things fall out when you open the doors are all inconvenient and cost you a little time here and there.  But according to Psychology Today, clutter can have ill-effects on your health.  It can damage how you feel about yourself and make you less at ease in your own home.  It appears to lead to stress, overeating, lack of focus, and trouble concentrating.  What’s more, clutter traps dust and dirt in your home, so you might experience more illnesses and allergies.  Basically, by cutting your clutter, you can feel happier and healthier. 

Parting Ways

Driving the concept of decluttering is the knowledge you have things you don’t need.  Sometimes those items are things you’re holding onto for others, like family heirlooms, or you simply have stuff the kids will need when they finish college.  You might have sentimental items you aren’t sure about keeping, too, and you’re still making up your mind.  Whatever your situation, it doesn’t mean all those items need to take up space in your home. 

One great option for objects in limbo is renting a storage space.  This allows you to safely set items aside while you wait or contemplate their future homes.  Self-storage in Orlando can get pricey, but some places offer special deals when you sign up.  For instance, StorQuest in Goldenrod is currently offering 20 percent off the first 5 months on specific units.  Shop around to find the best deal and unit to fit your needs before making a commitment.

Trying Things on for Size

Since you’re still in the thinking stages of decluttering, it’s necessary to come up with a plan of attack that will work for you.  If a one-size-fits-all strategy really worked, everyone would already have uncluttered homes, so explore a few different decluttering methods and try something on for size.  Some people like to sort items into four piles – keep, donate, recycle, and throw away.  Some folks prefer to set a number and purge that many things each day.  Another idea is simply asking yourself whether an item makes you happy, and let it go of it if the answer is no. 

If something doesn’t work, try another method!  The important thing is to figure out what works well for you so you can create a healthier home environment.  Whatever option you choose, plan to keep some convenient cleaning tools handy so you can clear out dust and cobwebs along the way.  Seeing the space sparkle will help motivate you to keep going!

Clear Your Conscience

One way of thinking that can hold us back from decluttering is feeling we wasted our money, or that items we’re tossing still have use in them.  Thankfully, the items you decide to get rid of don’t all need to go in the trash.  Plan to donate unwanted items to charities and recycle as much as possible, so any negative feelings are kept at bay. 

Tidy Storage Solutions

Once you whittle down to just your keepers, think about how to organize those items so your space doesn’t feel haphazard.  NYMag suggests using things like storage bins and baskets to keep belongings tidy.  For places like closets, clear bins help you locate items quickly, and stackables help in areas where you’re organizing both vertically and horizontally.  Examine your remaining items and storage space to choose your best options. 

Paring down can mean living a happier, healthier life.  If things are piling up around you, do some decluttering, cleaning, and organizing.  The transformation in your home can transform how you live and feel.   

Post Written By:

Jackie Waters
“A tidy home is a happy home.”