Oh No a Leak!? What To Do

If you have a leak in your toilet, sink, washer, or tub your first step should be to turn off the water valve closest to the source. Second step should be to notify your property manager right away by submitting an online maintenance request and giving him/her a call.

  • Toilets: Look underneath or behind the toilet to find the water valve to the toilet. Turn the valve clockwise until it is shut. Do no force the valve if it is stuck to avoid breaking the valve or pipe.
  • Sink: Look underneath the sink, inside the cabinet. You will see two sets of valves (hot and cold). Turn the valves clockwise to shut them off. Same with toilet valves, if stuck do not force.
  • Clothes Washer: Look behind the clothes washer, you may have to pull away from the wall to get access to space behind washer. You should see the hot and cold water valves, if so, turn them off by rotating clockwise. Same as above, if stuck in place, do not force.
  • Bathtub: Depending on the type of leak, turning the bathtub faucet may stop the leak. If it does not, please notify your property manager right away.

Unreported or repaired leaks can lead to extensive (and avoidable) property damage, as well as very high water/sewer bills. Please make sure to report any and all leaks to your property manager right away. The online tenant portal is accessible 24/7 here: https://alfanopropertymanagement.com/tenant-portal/